tack and equipment

The Invisible Line: Obedience vs Partnership

Obedience vs Partnership Obedience is required of our horses…in our dressage tests, our jumping classes, and our daily routine whether that routine is to safely cross a street, or simply lifting a hoof to be picked. We obtain it by rote; through repetition and a series of varying degrees of praise or correction, depending on the task at hand. In fact, obedience is a wonderful thing, and when we train for obedience in conjunction with an agenda that is geared…

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Fundamentals: On The Seat (Part 1 of 2)

This article is part 1 of 2, of Adaptive Development EQ’s Fundamentals Series, Fundamentals: On The Seat. To read Part 2, see: Fundamentals: On The Seat (Part 2 of 2). THE SEAT It is with the seat and legs that we obtain the greatest influence in communicating with our horses. Of primary importance, we use our seat to anchor ourselves, and remain in balance with (and aligned to) the horse’s center of gravity. We also use the seat as an aid…

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Fundamentals: On The Leg (Part 1 of 2)

This article is part 1 of 2, of Adaptive Development EQ’s Fundamentals Series, Fundamentals: On The Leg. To read Part 2, see: Fundamentals: On The Leg (Part 2 of 2). THE LEG At its most basic, the leg is one of the fundamental aids of riding (along with the rider’s weight, seat and hands) and their function is to queue forward and lateral movement. As the rider advances in skill, so too does the rider’s repertoire in the number of…

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Adaptive Development EQ

Euki Binns offers sustainability-based equine wellness programs, instruction, and training in the art of creating fine riding and show horses. Find success and reach a deeper level of connection with your equine partner!

Serving equines, equestrians and enthusiasts in the Greater Denver Metro. 

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