Featured Transformations

Intake Photo
Breed: Oldenburg
Height: 16.1
Age at Start: 12 Years Old
Start date: April 2019
Program details: hoof rehabilitation, nutrition analysis, equipment changes, rehabilitation training, foundation re-training
Clementine has stayed in training with Adaptive Development EQ and has become an attentive mount to her rider. She is interactive and oh so lovely to work with as we continue to expand on her education. As you can see below, she remains bright-eyed, in good posture, good weight, well-muscled, and she has been able to remain completely off of her former maintenance medications. As her comfort has grown, so too has her confidence: she no longer has problems being withdrawn in her social interactions with other horses, and is no longer picked on by her pasture-mates. Success!
Steady progresses with regard to her muscling and strength, as well as to her balance and swing.
We proceed as if in young horse development with this horse. She is bright eyed and progresses beautifully under saddle.
November 2020
Many changes now visible at a year and a half in, including a confident and attentive demeanor under saddle. At program start, the owner had also noted that the tail had stopped growing. In addition to demeanor and hair/coat changes:
1) Improved skeletal lines/alignments, such as more upright pasterns, changes in hip, shoulder and neck angles. We now see an overall healthier and more comfortable stance.
2) Improved strength/musculature. Of particular interest is the pronounced brachiocephalic muscle in early photos, versus developing trapezius and splenius muscle in November 2020 (top) photo. Also note the elimination of a developing hunters bump, seen in the May 2019 (bottom) photo.

Top photo: November 2020 versus May 2019
September 2019
Note the widening of the stance, improvement in musculature, a bright eye and inquisitive expression.

On left: photo taken two days after start date. On right: after five months (September 2019) in Adaptive Development EQ’s Equine Complete Program.
August 2019
In-progress photos of this mare’s impressive hoof rehabilitation performed by Philip Himanka, Not Only Barefoot LLC. Here, the mare is four months along in a year-long rehabilitation process. Note in the May photo, the increased strain to the ddft from the ankle sitting fully behind the hoof, and the amount of pressure to the heel this causes. The toe grows too forward and the heel is underslung. In the August photo, we see new heel growth and improved hoof angles that allow for healthier impact/weight distribution. Also note the first signs of a more robust digital cushion which provides the mare better impact protection and increases blood flow to the hoof.
June 2019
She begins to fill out, changes to stance/placement becomes less compensatory, and we see a soft eye and natural curiosity emerge.
In the second photo-set, note the correction to the musculature above the stifle, as well as the adjusting angles from the point of the hip to the point of the buttock. The back appears shorter and the girth appears deeper as the hind come out from underneath the horse, and its old, compensatory stance becomes more correct as the horse’s comfort and strength increases. The horse now appears more conformationally correct due to elimination of long term compensations. (Second photo-set overexposed to help the eye identify changing angles and muscle development.)

Updated photo (above) from June 2019.

Above: changes after three months. Top photo from May. Bottom photo taken in July.
May 2019

Updated photo from May 2019. First signs that there are improvements beginning to take place.